Our Caring Cloud was built over decades of using therapeutic tools within our community. These simple tools have offered solace to those affected by sensory sensitivities and alleviated the pain and grief for those with dementia and their families. They have also helped form friendships among groups of young people, engaging against bullying and isolation.
It is purely from using these tools within our community that our beautiful Cloud continues to expand, brimming with the enduring gifts of friendship, healing, calmness, happiness and joy.
Since 2001, our founder, Meryl Dear has employed interactive massage and intensive interaction techniques, working with adults and young people with severe learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and those with dementia. She introduced massage, as a therapeutic communication tool, into diverse settings such as forensic challenging facilities, dementia care homes, schools, critical care and end-of-life environments. During this time she observed the challenges faced by family members coping with the transition of loved ones into care, noting the impact on their wellbeing, especially in cases of dementia.
In 2018, she received a grant from the Dementia Team of Southend-on-Sea Borough Council due to her community work. Rather than using the money for massage treatments or future bookings, she chose to support the families, whom she felt were often overlooked in dementia care, creating eight massage workshops. Following the 2020 pandemic and the isolation of people within her community, she developed a workshop to assist young carers and all those dealing with stress and emotional challenges.
Caring Clouds is a fledging social venture and the first of its kind; borne thanks to the incredible individuals I've had the privilege to massage. Their stories, the transformative power of touch in their lives and our enduring connection inspire this journey. Amid decades of inspiration, below are just two of the individuals I am deeply grateful to have met and connected with.
Meryl Dear
Steven DeViell
A resident of Southend-on-Sea, living in supported housing, Steven has been an active member of his disabled community. He has been on the board of the local SCOPE organisation and is a member of the Essex Wildlife Trust and the RSPB; his favourite of all birds, the owl.
Steven inspires us through his perceptions and acceptance of touch. They would appear to contradict one another; yet his weekly sessions of gentle hand massage, support our philosophy that touch can have a profound effect on relationships, encouraging people to step outside themselves and develop meaningful relationships with others.
Steven will continue to be a major contributor here, with his blog and will feature on our forthcoming podcast.
Paige Gentle
I first met Paige in 2014, when she was 16 and part of the Southend-on-Sea Girls Community Project.
During a well-being event we held, Paige experienced massage for the first time and was surprised just how much she enjoyed massage to her feet and legs.
In 2018 after a near-fatal RTA, Paige, in a coma, received massage, as her mother and I hoped she would recall her previous experience on a deeper level; with recognition of the joy she felt during her massage four years before. Little did we know just how much of a profound effect touch would have! Paige has long been one of the inspirations for our Clouds, through her courage, recovery and her belief that touch can transform lives, even in the darkest of moments.
"The most important innovation in medicine to come in the next 10 years: the power of the human hand.." ..Dr Abraham Verghase
Meryl Dear
Thank you for subscribing. For further enquiries on any of our Caring Cloud sessions, please contact us.
Meryl Dear
Founder Caring Clouds